What is Niche Devil?

In the words of the developers themselves it is for, "Making money by feeding the Google Monster what it wants without barely lifting a finger".

A cool, if overlong tag line, but it's not about that, it's about whether or not it's worth the money!

The initial setup is intriguing, firstly you buy MANY domains, hosting and Niche Devil, then you install Niche Devil on your on your hosting account, you run the script, insert your chosen keywords and your affiliate links for the store you're building and abracadabra, Niche Devil spits out a site with content and products in about 37 seconds. Got to be witchcraft, all you need now of course is a few visitors with deep pockets, and Niche Devil promises that too with a little help from pinging but for the moment let's take a breath and consider the pros and cons.

The script has to be uploaded to your server/hosting account via ftp and your server/hosting account must meet certain minimum requirements.

Just like the old BANS stores, Niche Devil does the same thing and look what happened there, Niche Devil is making a lot of noise about "ever refreshing" content, scraping or pulling media from all around the Internet that relate to your chosen keywords, it works well and looks pretty good but what about the legality of using what maybe copyrighted material?.

Niche Devil is also stating things like, "Hurry up, only available for 14 days" which can only raises various issues.

Why are they restricting their selling window? To get you to buy now, or are they worried about what happens when experience kicks in and we know what we're dealing with and why would you sell a product you are convinced will make everyone so rich and not just use it yourself.

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